Fertility Forum: Tuesday 27th February

February 22, 2018

The next meeting of the Fertility Forum will be on Tuesday 27th February at 7pm, at the Cardinal Winning Pro-Life Initiative, 104 Albert Road, Crosshill, Glasgow, G42 8DR. The forum is open for anyone to attend and you don’t need to have come to a previous meeting or be an expert. Please email gospeloflifesisters@googlemail.com if you plan to attend, there is some background information to be emailed out to participants.

The Fertility Forum was created to facilitate discussion about how to promote the Church’s beautiful teaching on fertility and sexuality. We had our initial brainstorming meeting in January, which was a great success and had 21 participants. The discussion was divided into several areas: methods of NFP, apps, NaPro Technology, marriage preparation and education (within the family, parishes and schools). Some thinking has gone on since then and several participants have contributed paragraphs about these areas of discussion. We look forward to continuing the discussion on Tuesday, as there is a need for more initiatives to develop to promote fertility awareness. Please join us if this is a topic you are interested in.

Fertility Forum: 23rd January

January 5, 2018

Just a reminder that you are invited to a brainstorming session on fertility, on Tuesday 23rd January at 7 pm, at the Cardinal Winning Pro-Life Initiative. If you are able to attend, please let us know by email to gospeloflifesisters@googlemail.com  Also please pass on invitation to anyone else who may be interested.

50 years on from Humanae Vitae, we are all aware of the widespread scepticism and disregard of the Church’s teaching on family planning and artificial reproductive technology. There is need for a renewed effort to counter this scepticism and replace it with the joyful message of the gift of fertility. 

We want to bring together the various groups and individuals interested in promoting the Church’s teaching on fertility, with the aim of co-ordinating our efforts to effectively promote an appreciation of fertility, counter the contraceptive mentality of society and promote a Catholic approach to infertility. We want to hear about what you are already doing and what ideas you have for the future.

We are looking to include ideas on any of the following areas:

·         Education of children and young people- within families, schools and youth groups

·         Marriage preparation

·         NFP teaching and research

·         Infertility and NaPro technology

·         Increase awareness of NFP amongst healthcare students and professionals

·         Resource bank and directory of services

Aware that the issues involved may take some preparation, if you have any resources you think it would be useful for other participants to know of in advance, please email back with a link to more information. These resources will be compiled into one email and sent out to participants in advance of the meeting.

God bless,

Sr Jess (on behalf of the Sisters of the Gospel of Life)

Fertility Forum: Save The Date

December 12, 2017

We would like to invite you to a brainstorming session on fertility, on Tuesday 23rd January at 7 pm, at the Cardinal Winning Pro-Life Initiative. If you are able to attend, please let us know by email to gospeloflife@btinternet.com

50 years on from Humanae Vitae, we are all aware of the widespread scepticism and disregard of the Church’s teaching on family planning and artificial reproductive technology. There is need for a renewed effort to counter this scepticism and replace it with the joyful message of the gift of fertility.  

We want to bring together the various groups and individuals interested in promoting the Church’s teaching on fertility, with the aim of co-ordinating our efforts to effectively promote an appreciation of fertility, counter the contraceptive mentality of society and promote a Catholic approach to infertility. We want to hear about what you are already doing and what ideas you have for the future.

We are looking to include ideas on any of the following areas:

·         Education of children and young people- within families, schools and youth groups

·         Marriage preparation

·         NFP teaching and research

·         Infertility and NaPro technology

·         Increase awareness of NFP amongst healthcare students and professionals

·         Resource bank and directory of services

Aware that the issues involved may take some preparation, if you have any resources you think it would be useful for other participants to know of in advance, please email back with a link to more information. These resources will be compiled into one email and sent out to participants in advance of the meeting.

In the meantime we wish you all a blessed Christmas!

God bless,

Sr Jess (on behalf of the Sisters of the Gospel of Life)

Napro Conference

September 16, 2014


Photo: *Pro-Life Ladies Afternoon*</p>
<p>Napro Technology is a lower cost alternative to IVF. Please come along to hear about this major breakthrough in identifying symptoms and understanding causes of women’s health issues. All women would benefit from the opportunity to know and understand the causes and the symptoms from which they suffer. This subject may also be of particular interest to those in the medical profession.<br />
The talk will be followed by Afternoon Tea, Live Entertainment and raffle.

Please publicise this worthwhile event which is little known about and so helpful to women have fertility problems*