Right Side Tour: Dumbarton 9th May (Wednesday)

May 5, 2018

May 9th, 19:30
St. Patrick’s Church Hall
Strathleven Place
Society for the Protection of Unborn Children (SPUC) Scotland will be hosting the next stop on the Right Side Tour in Dumbarton on next Wednesday the 9th May. This is the eight stop on the tour, which has been gaining momentum. If you live near Dumbarton – this event is not to be missed!
The Right Side Tour aims to inform people about the campaign to decriminalise abortion. The pro-abortion movement continues to grow even more extreme in their agenda, now pushing for the decriminalisation of abortion. This would mean the extension of abortion up to birth for any reason. Abortion remains a criminal offence under law, unless it satisfies the conditions of the 1967 Abortion Act. The British Pregnancy Advisory Service (BPAS) have launched a campaign called “We Trust Women,” aiming to remove abortion from criminal law. This would null the 1967 Abortion Act, and any existing restrictions on abortion with it, includign the 24 week time-limit. This would be the most drastic extenstion of abortion since 1967.
To find out more about the issue and learn how to help, come to the event. It will be on Wednesday, 9th May at 7:30pm in St. Patrick’s Hall on Strathleven Place. We look forward to seeing you there.
For more information visit the Tour website:
Or contact Margaret:
0141 221 2094

Petition Against Decriminalisation of Abortion

May 4, 2018

A 15,000 name petition was delivered by SPUC Scotland to Nicola Sturgeon, on the 50th anniversary of the Abortion Act coming into force. This petition is against the further liberalisation of abortion in Scotland- BPAS is spearheading a campaign for the laws regulating abortion to be scrapped and instead to have abortion on demand up to birth, under the slogan “We Trust Women”. Over the past 50 years 500,000 lives in Scotland have been lost to abortion. The petitions were in 5 boxes and there were 5 empty prams, each representing 100,000 lives lost. See video below:

Right Side Tour: Dundee and Dumfries in April

April 8, 2018

DUNDEE: THURSDAY 12th APRIL, 7pm, St Andrew’s Cathedral Hall, Dundee. 
DUMFRIES: TUESDAY 17th April, 7pm, St Teresa’s Hall, Glasgow Road, Dumfries. 

Society for the Protection of Unborn Children (SPUC) Scotland will be hosting stops on the Right Side Tour in both Dundee and Dumfries. 

The Right Side Tour aims to inform people about the campaign to decriminalise abortion. The pro-abortion movement continues to grow even more extreme in their agenda, now pushing for the decriminalisation of abortion. This would mean the extension of abortion up to birth for any reason. Abortion remains a criminal offence under law, unless it satisfies the conditions of the 1967 Abortion Act. The British Pregnancy Advisory Service (BPAS) have launched a campaign called “We Trust Women,” aiming to remove abortion from criminal law. This would null the 1967 Abortion Act, and any existing restrictions on abortion with it, including the 24 week time-limit. This would be the most drastic extension of abortion since 1967.
To find out more about the issue and learn how to help, come to one of the events. We are grateful to those hosting us and look forward to seeing you there.
For more information visit the Tour website:
Or contact Margaret:
0141 221 2094

Nurses Supporting Abortion? Not In My Name

March 16, 2018

Nurse or nursing student? Please sign the letter against any RCN move to support the introduction of abortion on demand, for any reason.

Janet Davies, the Chief Executive of the Royal College of Nurses (RCN), has announced that a panel of RCN staff and members will be deciding on a positioning statement for the RCN on the complete removal of all legal restriction and sanctions regarding abortion. If these measures were to be implemented, it would mean the introduction of abortion on demand, for any reason, to at least 28 weeks and possibly up to birth. Ann Furedi, the CEO of abortion provider BPAS, who are running the campaign to ‘decriminalise’ abortion, has made it clear that they are aiming for the latter, the introduction of abortion up to birth. The Royal College of Midwives’ position in support of ‘decriminalisation’, which saw a large public backlash when it was adopted, has subsequently been used extensively by abortion provider BPAS as a key plank in their political lobbying for the introduction of abortion, on demand, for any reason up to birth. Ahead of this panel deciding the position, the RCN are running a ‘survey’ of the RCN membership which does not allow for members of the RCN to vote on the specific wording of the final positioning statement. It instead asks a single question on whether members support or oppose the broad concept of ‘decriminalisation’ and only commits that members’ input will ‘inform’ the work that will lead to the final position this panel will decide on. If you are a nurse or nursing student, please take action by putting your name to the public joint letter (link below) to the Chief Executive of the Royal College of Nurses, Janet Davies, to voice your concern about this extreme move.



Right Side Tour – Motherwell 19th February

February 17, 2018

Society for the Protection of Unborn Children (SPUC) Scotland, in conjunction with the Diocese of Motherwell, will be hosting the fourth stop on the Right Side Tour in Motherwell on Monday the 19th of February.
The Right Side Tour aims to inform people about the campaign to decriminalise abortion. The pro-abortion movement continues to grow even more extreme in their agenda, now pushing for the decriminalisation of abortion. This would mean the extension of abortion up to birth for any reason. Abortion remains a criminal offence under law, unless it satisfies the conditions of the 1967 Abortion Act. The British Pregnancy Advisory Service (BPAS) have launched a campaign called “We Trust Women,” aiming to remove abortion from criminal law. This would null the 1967 Abortion Act, and any existing restrictions on abortion with it, including the 24 week time-limit. This would be the most drastic extension of abortion since 1967.
To find out more about the issue and learn how to help, come to the event. It will be on Monday February 19th at 7pm in St. Bride’s Hall on Coursington Road. We are very grateful to Bishop Toll and the Diocese for agreeing to host us. We look forward to seeing you there.
For more information visit the Tour website:
Or contact Margaret:
0141 221 2094

Right Side Tour – Edinburgh 12th December

December 9, 2017

SPUC is doing a ‘Right Side Tour’ around Scotland to inform and resist the campaign to decriminalise abortion.

Edinburgh: Tuesday 12th December, 7pm, Augustine United Church, George IV Bridge

There are further details on this website:


Looking to host a RIGHT SIDE tour stop in your area? Contact Margaret, email: margaret@spucscotland.org

Right Side Tour – Aberdeen 6th December

December 5, 2017

SPUC is doing a ‘Right Side Tour’ around Scotland to inform and resist the campaign to decriminalise abortion.

They have already had their first talk in Paisley. There are 2 more dates for December and more to come!

Aberdeen: Wednesday 6th December, 7pm, St Mary’s Cathedral Hall, Huntly Street

Edinburgh: Tuesday 12th December, 7pm, Augustine United Church, George IV Bridge

There are further details on this website:


Looking to host a RIGHT SIDE tour stop in your area? Contact Margaret, email: margaret@spucscotland.org