Fertility Forum

March 12, 2018

The Fertility Forum is open to individuals who are interested in and excited about promoting the Church’s teaching on Humanae Vitae. The group comprises NFP users, NFP teachers, mums, school teachers, healthcare professionals and the Sisters! The last Fertility Forum meeting was on Tuesday 27th February. We had a great discussion and have made a plan. Initially, we are going to pilot small group video courses and get together packs with ideas to make parishes more family friendly. No doubt there is plenty more to be worked on in the future.

The next Fertility Forum meeting will be on Tuesday 1st May, 7pm, Cardinal Winning Pro-Life Initiative. Please email us (gospeloflifesisters@googlemail.com) if you have any ideas or want to get involved, even if you are unable to attend the meetings. The meetings are open to anyone who is interested and you don’t need to have come to previous meetings to attend.

Marriage – for the Good of the Children

November 20, 2014

Following on from the last post on the recent Humanum Conference we found a talk by the Chief Rabbi, Jonathan Sacks, that he gave during the conference which makes some excellent points on the importance of marriage for children and the good of society.  It is great to have a non-Catholic, prominant figure giving some clear moral pointers about the complimentarity of men and women.