Anyone fancy a new project?

We are, as usual, on the scrounge. However, even for us, this is a slightly unusual request.

As part of our work we provide families in need with clothing and equipment. For babies this mainly involves prams, cots, etc. However if they have older children we like to give them toys. As in all things we’ve been blessed in this regard with the incredible generosity of our friends and we receive a huge variety of wonderul toys.

So this is our request. Can any of you sew? Are you looking for a project? We have a large number of Barbie’s and Action Men, minus clothing. We’d like to clothe them so that we can give them away.

There are however, a few things to note. In the case of Barbie – she’s often not clothed in a particularly chaste manner, and we’re very strict about what we give out. So we’re looking for slightly more modest outfits, to help make Barbie a bit classier.


For Action Man – we’re looking for less militaristic outfits. A lot of the families we work with are refugees and have had extremely bad experiences in conflict zones across the world. So we’re thinking more Val Doonican than Jean Claude Van Damme. They don’t have to be boring, just not too scary.


If anyone has any ideas or would like to contribute, we would be most appreciative. We’re not asking anyone to go out and buy outfits, but if you can sew, you have the time and you’re looking for an interesting project, please do consider. Thank you and God bless!

3 Responses to Anyone fancy a new project?

  1. Sister Andrea, I can sew, and I have tons of spare fabric, BUT, I have serious qualms about clothing Barbies. This is on 2 counts – 1) when I was a little girl, my Mum gave me a Cindy (60’s equivalent to Barbie) and hand-knitted some costumes for her – I thought they were awful, and never really enjoyed dressing her, they were too homely, and not glamourous enough!!! 2) I was very young, but even at that tender age found the “form” of the doll to be titillating in some way I didn’t understand. I don’t think Barbies are suitable for any child to play with – and don’t forget, the naked ones can get into the hands of little brothers to the girls. Also the concept of “glamour” which they inspire is not healthy – after all, I don’t suppose the children want to be dressing their Barbies in Prairie frocks. My suggestion is to send them all to a land-fill site – or plastic recycling place. However, after all that negativity, I will offer to make rag-dolls or other kinds of stuffed toys, if you think they’d be used! God Bless you in all you do.

  2. Ma Beck says:


    I cannot sew, but I noticed Amazon has “I’m Going to Be a Big Sister” and “I’m Going to Be a Big Brother” books to get the little ones accustomed to the new baby.
    Would you be interested in something like that?

  3. gospeloflife says:

    Sorry that it’s taken so long to reply (hopefully one day, that sentence will be unnescessary as a preface to everything I write) things have been more than usually busy over the last few weeks.

    Hello Maggie – Thank you for your comments regarding Barbies. Generally we’d agree that Barbies aren’t ideal toy-wise, but our thought would be that, considering how many there are out there, it’d be better to have them dressed a bit more decently. We’re thinking more Princess than prairie. Some very generous little girls in England sent us some of their own collection and there are some lovely, interesting and modest outfits among them, mostly Disney-type dresses, so it is possible.

    As for rag dolls we’d love it if you could make some- it’s wonderful to be able to give hand-made goods. A few years ago Sr Roseann took clothes to a new mum she was working with. The young woman was very embarassed but asked if we had anything hand-knitted because she always thought that when saw babies in knitted hats, booties, etc “it looks like they’ve got a granny who loves them”. The thought that someone cares enough to make things for their children is extremely powerful. Thank you!

    Ma Beck – Hello! That sounds great, especially for some of the families we work with on a more long-term basis. Thank you!

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