More prayers needed…

Thank you to all those who have so generously responded to our continued requests for prayers. In our work we continually see the very real effects of these prayers on the lives of the women and families we work with.

With this in mind, we ask you to pray for Jess and her unborn child.  Jess received the first dose the abortion pill, and then changed her mind and decided not to proceed with the second. Unfortunately there is an increased chance of miscarriage. Please keep them in you prayers.

Thank you and God bless.

One Response to More prayers needed…

  1. Praying.
    Can Jess be given progesterone? This has worked in the past after a mother took the first part of RU486 and her baby lived-Fr Frank Pavone speaks of it.

    My friend is also still pregnant. I have hope for her and her baby despite the continued pressure to abort.

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